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Camp Registration

Individual Camper Registration

Individual Camper:


Individual Campers are Scouts who can't attend camp with their unit but would like to attend Summer Camp. You select a week of summer camp that works with your schedule and we will pair you up with a unit going that week. 



We have several different programs an Individual Camper can participate in:


Traditional Week (participate in camp as you are there with your troop)

COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience, Low & High Rope Challenge Course)
ATV ( ASI riders course, ATV Safety Institute of America Save Rider Coalition)

Counselor-in-Training (Become a member of Camp Staff & enjoy all the FUN Camp                                                has to offer & learn new skills, meet new friends, & earn                                                      advancements.)


Select the photos below for more information on each program area.


Week 1 June 21-27

Week 2 June 28-July 4

Week 3 July 5-11

Week 4 July 12-18


Attendee Types                      Early Bird Price                      Regular Price


Scout                                        $310                                        $340


Newly Registered scouts      $310                                        $310


Adult (Full Week)                   $115                                        $125


Adult (By day)                        Not Available                          $22 per day


How to qualify for Early Bird price:

Get the “Early Bird” price for Scouts by doing ALL of the following:

  1. paying the $50 Early Bird Deposit for each Scout by February 4.

  2. make the final payment AND turn in the name of the “Early Bird” Scouts by May 6.

Get the “Early Bird” price for adults by paying for them AND turning in their names by May 6.  There is no deposit for adults.

Money without names does not qualify you for the Early Bird price.


Action                                       Date                                         Amount of money


Early Bird Deposit                  Before February 3rd             $50 per Scout          


Final Payment                        Before May 4th                     Remainder of balance


Merit Badge &                        Before  May 4th                    Varies on badge or activity

Activity Fees                      


Discount                            Explanation


Multi-Week Discount       A Scout may attend additional camp sessions for $260                                                        each. The additional session discount includes attending                                                      NYLT.  


Workership                       AVAILABLE TO ANTHONY WAYNE AREA COUNCIL SCOUTS                                              ONLY.  Workerships are awarded to Scouts needing financial                                              assistance.  Applications are due no later than April 1,                                                           2020.  This includes Boy Scout and Cub/Webelos Scouts.                                                   Applications will be reviewed by the Council Camping                                                           Committee and units and families will be notified prior to                                                     payment deadlines.  Find the form here.

Thanks for visiting! If you have any questions please contact the office at 260-432-9593.

© 2024 Jack Zeiger

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